Installing doors can give you more time to escape a fire
Fire Doors
Fire doors are doors that are made to close automatically during a fire. They seal shut in order to cut off the oxygen that will feed the fire. They can also give you more time to escape in case a fire breaks out.
Where to Install
The most common places to find fire doors are:
- Buildings with kitchens and garbage chutes
- Dumbwaiter doors
- Rooms that hold flammable chemicals
If your building or store fits these criteria, you will want to make sure you have fire doors installed. Kitchens and schools are places that would benefit greatly by having fire doors. The beauty of the doors is that they can even be installed in your home for extra security.
Fire Doors Minneapolis
Overhead Door Company of Northland can make your business or school safe by installing your fire doors. Contact us at (651)683-0307.