If you admire the sturdy, timeless look of a wood garage door but want to avoid the maintenance requirements, fiberglass garage doors are an ideal choice for you. Overhead Door’s fiberglass doors have a molded fiberglass surface strategically placed over an insulated steel door, resulting in a high performance door that looks like wood, but equates to low maintenance and high thermal efficiency.
Judging by appearance alone, it’s hard to tell the difference between a fiberglass and wood garage door. Just take a look at the pictures to the right. Can you tell which one is wood? Okay so the pictures aren't the best test, but let me say that you have to get very close to the doors to tell the difference. If you aren't looking carefully, you will think it is wood.
With a choice of 10 standard colors designed to give the look of stained wood and 4 standard panel styles, Overhead Door promises to give you the garage door you deserve that fits the elegance of your home. Our fiberglass doors are made with polyurethane insulation and deliver an R-value of 7.6. This high thermal insulation also dampens street noise making your home more peaceful.
With so many options available, we realize it can be confusing to select the right fiberglass door. Save time, and let us do the work for you by giving us a call at (651) 683-0307. With a few simple questions, one of our experienced Overhead Door Sales Specialists will be able to help you select the fiberglass door that best fits your needs.
On the other hand, if you know exactly what you are looking for in a garage door, you can review our collections and specific door specifications at Overhead Door's Company website.
With 10 different stain colors, multiple panel styles, and adding personal touches like window and glass design and decorative hardware, you can have a low maintenance door that you will love. As an added bonus we can guarantee they will make your neighbors jealous.
Choosing the Right Door, More Resources:
See more details about fiberglass doors at the link below to our Impression Collection®
Click here to view our Ultimate Guide to choosing a garage door
Click here to see our DoorView app that allows you to see how different doors look on your house. It's pretty cool.
Need more help? Find helpful tips on how to choose a garage door here, or check out our FAQ's here.